Grooming your cat can be very beneficial as it removes grease, dead skin, and dirt from her coat. It also helps with promoting blood circulation and overall condition of her coat. We recommend grooming your kitty once or twice per week to keep their coat healthy and glow. As your cat grows older, you will want to increase the frequency as they become less willing to groom on their own. .
Check your cat’s coat condition before grooming. Healthy hair will have a natural gloss and you would be able to spring back the hair under your hand. Watch out for any bald patches, wounds, signs of ticks and fleas and unusual bumps.
Indoor long hair cats need grooming every couple days as they shed all over the year. This will help remove dead hair and prevent tangling. You can start on the legs or abdomen, brushing the fur towards upper body. Comb the neck fur upward, toward her chin. Make a part down the middle of her tail and gently brush out the fur on either side. You can sprinkle talcum powder over knots and gently use your fingers to tease them apart. If the knots don’t come out by hand, try using a mat-splitter.
Keep an eye out for signs of flea or ticks, wounds, tangling, and bumps when you groom your cat. You can also take a look under your cat’s tail to see if any feces is attached. Remove it by snipping it with scissors. A rice-sized, tan object in your cat’s anus might be an indication of tapeworm.
Grooming can significantly reduce hair tangles. If you are noticing your cat coughing out hairballs or the presence of hairballs in their feces, you might want to increase grooming frequency. Consult with a vet if the situation worsens even with frequent grooming.

While cats will groom themselves they still need bath if they get dirty. We recommend bathing your cats every two months or so even if they appear to be clean.
Follow these steps when bath your cat.
Bath when your cats are calm and joyful. You can do a play session with your can to set the mood.
It is a good idea to trim your cat’s nail before bathing.
Groom your cat before bath to remove dead hairs.
Put a bath mat where you plan to bath your cat to prevent slipping. Fill with three to four inches of warm water. If your cat is oily, we recommend using something like Groomers Goop for Oily Coats to remove excessive oil. Put the Goop on oily coat and wait 10 miniatures before washing it off.
Wet your cat by a hand-held spray hose. Watch out for cat’s ears, nose, and eyes. Use a cup or pitcher if you don’t have a spray hose.
Massage your cat with cat shampoo(we recommend using Chris Christensen Spectrum One Shampoo) in the direction of hair growth。Avoid using human shampoo as it can dry their skin. Again, watch out for cat’s eyes, nose, and ears.
Rinse the shampoo off. Make sure water is warm. Then put conditioner on the coat(we recommend Chris Christensen Spectrum Ten Conditioner). Make sure all residue has been removed. If you want to reduce the time to dry your cat, we recommend using Chris Christensen After U bathe Conditioner. This conditioner will reduce drying time by at least 30%.
Carefully and gently wipe your cat’s face with washcloth with water. Use diluted solution of shampoo if the face is dirty, be careful around the eyes and ears.
Use a large towel to dry your cat off. You can use a blow dryer if your cat doesn’t mind. Untangle your cat’s fur with a comb while drying.
Reward your cat with his/her favorite treats.

Try using "cat toothbrushing gloves" to dip the cat's toothpaste, touch and rub the cat's teeth, and guide the cat to lick.
This process may last several times to a week, and snacks can also be used to make kittens more receptive to tooth touch.
After the cat is proficient in your fingers, its time to try toothbrush.
“Burrito” the cat by wrapping their boy firmly in a towel(including all limbs) will be a good way.
Use one hand opens your cat's mouth from the one side, and quickly brush their teeth.
If your cat starts to resist at this time, stop brushing and pet the them.Repeat the brushing action, do not need to brush it once, you can divide it into multiple times.
A complete brushing process can be controlled in about 30 seconds.
After brushing your teeth, you can also take out the cat’s favorite toys, play with the them for a while to relax their mood. It will help you with your brush next time.

You can find whether your cat ear is clean or not. If inside their ear is color of pink, and there is no earwax, debris or smells, you can tell your cat ear is clean, if your cats have clean ears, there is no need to clear their ears. If not, you need to help them clean their ears.
Make sure your cat is relaxed. Most of the cat doesn’t like people to help them clean, you might need someone to help you while you clean their ears. “Burrito” the cat by wrapping their boy firmly in a towel(including all limbs) will be a good way.
Place a some of the Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner(or any vet suggested liquid ear cleaner) liquid onto a clean cotton ball or Cotton pad. Gently use cotton ball to wipe away any debris or earwax that you can see underside of their ears. Please remind water cannot be used as an earwax cleaner because it may stay in the ears and allow yeast to grow.
Drip ear cleanser into their ear and massage 20-45s per ear, give them a minute or two to let them shake their head to further remove the earwax and other secretions in their ears.
Reward your cat with endless praise—and her favorite treat.

Find a place that your cat can sit on your lap or find a time with their best mood on.
Pinch the cat's claw and gently squeeze out the nail. Pay attention to the cutting edge to be perpendicular to the side of the cat's nail, cut from the thin side, if you cut the nail from the thick side, otherwise it will split.
Cut only the tip of the claw, the transparent and colorless part, and never cut to the pink part. The pink part of a cat’s nail, called the quick, is where the nerves and blood vessels are. Do NOT cut this sensitive area.
Do not be discouraged. Cat may be protested, meowing or even wants to scratch you. At first, you can call a success while you done cut one or two nails.
Rewards them with special rewards, that they will think of the special tastes when you are cutting their nails. They might not like cutting nails but if they want the rewards, they won’t be so resistant to cutting their nails next time.